Author, Non-Fiction, Review

How Sweet the Sound by Laura Smith + five favorites

Hello, reader friends! Author Laura L. Smith is five of her favorites in honor of her newly released title, How Sweet the Sound!

about the author

Laura Smith

Best-selling author and speaker Laura L. Smith grew up singing old hymns in her traditional church, then rushing home to count down the rest of the Top 40 on Billboard’s music charts with Casey Kasem. Smith loves all kinds of music, and although she can’t carry a tune, she’s often seen singing or dancing around her house.

Smith speaks around the country sharing the love of Christ at conferences and events. She lives in the college town of Oxford, Ohio with her husband and four kids. Her newest title, How Sweet the Sound, released in August.

Visit her website or connect with Laura on facebook, twitter, or instagram!


five favorites

Favorite Movies:

L: Titanic, Les Miserables, Harry Potter (Prisoner of Azcaban is my favorite)

B: That’s quite the variety! I’m an Avengers fan, myself!

Favorite TV Show:

L: I don’t watch much TV, but if I do, it’s the Voice! Our family loves music and gets caught up in the stories of the singers.

B: Oh yes, we watch The Voice, too! 

Favorite Scripture:

L: You are Christ’s masterpiece! Ephesians 2:10

B: His love really is amazing!

Recent Favorite Reads:
L: Walking on Water by Madeline L’Engle, Becoming Mrs. Lewis by Patti Callahan, and Finding God’s Life for My Will by Mike Donehey

B: I neeeeed to read Becoming Mrs. Lewis!!!

Favorite Travel Destination:

L: Cinque Terre (coast of Italy)

B: Go big or go home! Thank you so much for visiting with us today, Laura!


about the book

How Sweet the Sound by Laura L. Smith

How Sweet the Sound by Laura Smith

Publisher: Our Daily Bread Publishing
Genre: Devotional
Release Date: August 4, 2020

If you love singing and listening to hymns, this book is for you!

Hymns are a special kind of music, packed with truth, redemption, and joy, no matter how the times or culture change. How Sweet the Sound focuses on 30 beloved hymns that still speak to us today. Each chapter includes the lyrics to a favorite hymn, an interesting modern-day story of how that hymn continues to impact lives, and questions for contemplation.

You’ll enjoy hearing the stories of how hymns have affected other people’s lives as you remember how the hymns you treasure have affected yours.

goodreads | amazon | bookdepository | christianbook 


my thoughts

While the description states that this book is for readers who love singing and listening to hymns, I would argue that every believer would benefit from this encouraging book. Hymns are largely underrated in many of today’s church services and that’s a crying shame. I’m delighted to see these powerful and timeless songs championed.

Believers from a variety of denominations and musical preferences are sure to glean nuggets of wisdom from the author’s encouragement and the meaningful lyrics of the featured hymns. Personally, I’d love to sit down and chat with other ladies about this book and the hymns that have most influenced each of us!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review. The opinions expressed are my own.


also available

5 minute Devotions for Girls by Laura Smith 99 Heroes and Villians of the Bible for Kids by Laura Smith It's Addicting by Laura L Smith



Thanks to the generosity of the author, we have a signed print copy of How Sweet the Sound for one fortunate Faithfully Bookish reader!

How Sweet the Sound by Laura Smith giveaway on Faithfully Bookish
US only | ends 8/31 | complete giveaway rules

enter giveaway here

Are hymns a regular part of your life? a fond reminder of days gone by? or are you fairly unfamiliar with hymns?
I adore modern-day hymns by folks like Stuart Townend and the Gettys as well as the old standards.
Be sure to add How Sweet the Sound by Laura L. Smith to your tbr, reader friends!

7 thoughts on “How Sweet the Sound by Laura Smith + five favorites”

  1. Love both the old and new hymns. Some of the old ones bring up memories of happy times as well as sad, but all remind us of better days are coming.

    Shared and would love to be the fortunate one selected. Thanks for the chance!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net


  2. Hymns have special meaning to me as they bring back memories of being part of our church choir. I played my flute to accompany the organist and vocals.


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