Bookish, Historical Fiction, List

2016 Favorites: Historical Fiction

Is your to-be-read pile growing yet? I've had so much fun revisiting my favorites and hearing all about yours this week! I'll let you in on a little secret, historical fiction is my first love genre! I've adored historical fiction since I fell madly in love with reading in middle school.

Bookish, Contemporary Fiction, List

2016 Favorites: Contemporary Fiction

Alright, we've made it to the meat and potatoes of bookish favorites!!! Today is contemporary and tomorrow is historical! Don't forget to come by for the last First Line Friday of the year. Y'all are going to be so proud... Here are ten contemporary favorites from 2016!

Author, Bookish, List

2016 Favorites: New-to-Me Authors

I've had the absolute pleasure of meeting (via books and in person) many new wonderful and talented authors this year. Let me tell y'all, I worked and worked to narrow my favorite new-to-me authors down to 10 but it's just not happening!