Bookish, List

2016 Favorites: AudioBooks

Even though I am not a huge audiobook fan (I’m more of a visual person), I listened to over 60 hours of audiobooks this year. These aren’t necessarily new releases, they’re just the ones I got my hands on!

Y’all, I’m not going to sugar coat things here. Choosing favorites is hard so, I’m easing my way into this whole year end top picks business by sharing my favorite audiobooks first.

In no particular order (let’s not over complicate things), I give you my favorite audiobooks of 2016:

A Noble Groom by Jody Hedlund
narrated by Mary Sarah Agliotta

Goodreads | Amazon

I adore Jody Hedlund novels and this one is no exception! Mary Sarah Agliotta performed the narration beautifully, especially the accents and unique character voices.

Like There’s No Tomorrow by Camille Eide
narrated by Becky Doughty

Goodreads | Amazon

This is the first Camille Eide title I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing and her storytelling is superb! Becky Doughty brought the book to life with a pleasing range from sweet elderly Aunt Grace to broody widower Ian MacLean.

The Wrangler’s Inconvenient Wife by Lacy Williams
narrated by Laural Merlington

Goodreads | Amazon

Lacy Williams is one of my all-time favorite authors, I’ve enjoyed several contemporary titles but this was the first historical for me and certainly not the last. Laural Merlington delivered the story well especially considering the many manly cowboy voices she had to come up with!

Kiss Me in Carolina by Brooke St. James
narrated by Kate Rudd

Goodreads | Amazon

Also a new-to-me author, Brooke St. James has a sweet little romance here with just a dash of suspense. Kate Rudd delivered an exceptional performance.

Once Upon a Cowboy by Lacy Williams
narrated by Lara Asmundson

Goodreads | Amazon

A modern day princess goes into hiding on an isolated Texas ranch in this sweet romantic suspense from Lacy Williams. Again, I’m so impressed by these narrators mastering several male voices for a story. Well done, Lara Asmundson!

Like a Love Song by Camille Eide
narrated by Becky Doughty

Goodreads | Amazon

I’m currently listening to this one and it has already tugged on my heartstrings and made me chuckle! Another winner from Camille Eide and Becky Doughty!

Have any favorite audiobooks to share, readers? Have you enjoyed any of these titles?

Come back tomorrow for another favorites post, I’ll be here all week 😉

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10 thoughts on “2016 Favorites: AudioBooks”

  1. I cannot imagine trying to put a favorites list together! I’m thankful that you bloggers do it for me 🙂
    I have not listened to any of the books you have listed here but I have listened to some good ones this year.


  2. Beth, I’m also a visual person. I find it so much each to focus on the story when in print form. I admire you for braving the audio books. 😉


  3. I’ve only started listening to audiobooks this past year. I like to use audiobooks along with my print/digital books in order to keep “reading” when I can’t be doing it physically. I’m extremely picky with audiobooks and it’s rare that I like a female narrator speaking the male’s dialogue and vice versa. Also, I tend to read (and talk) fast, so most narration is way to slow for me. It took me some time to find a good narration speed that was fast enough for my liking without sounding like chipmunks. 🙂 Thank you for your “best of” list. It helps picky listeners like me choose what I might like to listen to next.


  4. Good to know. Tamara Leigh’s books are on my tbr, but crazily enough I haven’t read any yet. Especially since she has written some time travel romance – a genre that I LOVE. 🙂 I made sure to note on my Amazon wish list the books your recommend on audio.


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