Author, List, Review, Spotlight

Auto-Buy Authors new additions: Top Ten Tuesdays

Happy Tuesday, reader friends! I’m linking up with That Artsy Reader Girl again for Top Ten Tuesday & the topic this week is: “Auto-Buy Authors.” So, I had to narrow that one way down to ten auto-buy authors new to my list!

My book love is highly compulsive. Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “I’m not suffering from my book addiction, I’m enjoying it!” Once you read a certain number of books, maybe it’s a 3 digit number, perhaps it’s 4, you begin to find authors you click with.

You can count on their stories to resonate with your spirit time and again or sometimes it’s love at first read and you just know, you must buy all their books from this day forward, regardless of genre, setting, or storyline. This is how the auto-buy list is formed (and oh, does it grow from there!)

Here are the most recent new-to-me authors who have claimed a space in my compulsive reader heart (in alphabetical order because as I just explained, I want all the books so no playing favorites):

my auto-buy authors new additions


Lynn H. Blackburn

Apparently, Lynn has been rocking it in the mass markets for a while now but I have the hardest time keeping up with those little buggers! After I read Beneath the Surface, I was hooked! Her romantic suspense has just the right balance of steam and scream (no screaming really, I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to simultaneously alliterate and rhyme).


Heidi Chiavaroli

In case you haven’t noticed, split-time novels are becoming quite the thing. I’m always hesitant to jump on the next big thing (Titanic syndrome) or read a book just because everyone else is reading it (bridge jumping syndrome) but Heidi does this split-time thing oh so right! I have her debut novel (which all my friends have been raving about) on my tbr shelf but I did get a chance to enjoy The Edge of Mercy and it completely lives up to all the hype! 


Amanda Dykes


Remember that split-time thing I mentioned avoiding because it’s all the rage? Yeah, I’ve joined the raging masses. Honestly, it wasn’t Amanda’s first novel that hooked me, it was actually one of her novellas! Her storytelling is that good, y’all. You do NOT want to miss Whose Waves These Are!


Grace Hitchcock

Laughter is the best medicine and I was not expecting it in a historical romance based on a true crime! Grace provided a pleasant surprise with her delightfully witty and unapologetically unconventional heroine in The White City. This is the beginning of a beautifully bookish friendship!


Tara Johnson

Tara johnson

With her fresh and authentic approach to romance in the Civil War era, Tara won me over with her debut, Engraved on the Heart. The heroine of this story is simply inspirational and the historical detail is fascinating. Her second book is near the tippy top of my tbr and I’m so excited to read it!


Jill Lynn

Jill Lynn author photo courtesy of Jen Lints Photography

Let’s go back to those rascally mass markets, The Rancher’s Unexpected Baby by Jill Lynn has me rethinking my book buying priorities because CLEARLY there are some amazing authors hanging out on the shelves at my local Walmart! Jill’s story is full of humor and deliciously swoony moments. More, please!


Shannon McNear

I’ve been raving about The Cumberland Bride since reading it last fall and I probably owe Shannon an apology for excessively tagging her in social media posts at this point but it is just such a wonderfully written story and I WANT MORE! 


Joanna Davidson Politano

Joanna Davidson

In addition to being a super sweet person, Joanna writes intelligently and I don’t mean that in a snobby brainiac way but in a subtle yet completely satisfying way that delivers exactly the kind of stories that readers want! Highly addictive, no added fluff!


Natalie Walters

While I don’t like to be scared by a story I have discovered that I do enjoy some action and good old fashioned police work is always welcome! Natalie Walters rocks the small town setting (one of my favorites), her perfectly flawed underdog heroine, and all-American hero next door in Living Lies!


Abigail Wilson

When an author wins me over outside of my comfort zone, I just HAVE to go back for more! Abigail’s In The Shadow of Croft Towers captivated me despite my usual aversion to gothic settings and mysteries, I’m sure the romance thread helped since I’m a live-hard, die-hard fan of love!


Are any of these new-to-me authors new to you as well?
Who are your auto-buy authors new additions, reader friends?

30 thoughts on “Auto-Buy Authors new additions: Top Ten Tuesdays”

  1. The only book from your list I have read is The Cumberland Bride. When I rave about the Daughters of the Mayflower series to anyone, I always mention The Cumberland Bride. What a fantastic story, a swoon-worthy hero, lots of history and culture of the time — all of that in only 256 pages! Love that.

    I love all of the Love Inspired stories too, so I will have to pick up Jill Lynn’s you mentioned.


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