Bookish, Review, Setting, Spotlight

Mini Montana Scavenger Hunt: stop 2

Welcome to our author friend Lisa Tawn Bergren's Mini Montana Scavenger Hunt! If you're just joining the hunt, be sure to visit Lisa’s website FIRST for details and the complete schedule. Each stop offers a daily giveaway and clues you need (in bold) to complete the hunt and enter to win the major prizes on Lisa’s website!

God Gave Us You by Lisa Tawn Bergren - Faithfully Bookish review
Kids, Review

God Gave Us You by Lisa Tawn Bergren

We're celebrating Children's Book Week on Faithfully Bookish! I'll be sharing some of our family's favorite children's books this week. Please join me in the comments or on social media and share your favorites too! Why We Love God Gave Us You... We received this book as a gift when our first little cub was just a wee gal and it has been a mainstay through the last decade as our family has grown.