Contemporary Fiction, Review

Ordinary Snowflakes by Jennifer Rodewald

For months, I’ve been reading rave reviews for Jennifer Rodewald’s novels and I even have a couple on my Kindle waiting to be read. So, I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to participate in this novella’s tour! Check out this sweet little read, get to know the author, and enter the giveaway below!

Ordinary Snowflakes tour

Genre: Adult, Christian, Contemporary, Fiction, Romance, Novella
Publisher: Rooted Publishing
Publication date: November 7, 2016
Number of pages: 118

Ordinary Snowflakes by Jennifer RodewaldSomeone has noticed me. A secret admirer? A man with a good heart, who sees how much I actually need help, even though I never admit it? Maybe this is the beginning of a beautiful story—a romance full of hope and second chances and love.


A secret Santa gift left on Kale Brennan’s front porch opens up a fresh view of her ordinary life, and perhaps of God. Maybe she does matter. Maybe God sees her—as does a new-to-town music teacher who has her seven-year-old daughter gushing and her own knees buckling with his killer smile.

But as Kale embraces new possibilities, a staple in her life—a man who is kind and steady, not to mention necessary for her injured daughter’s recovery—also snatches her attention in an unexpected way. Will the one pursuing her with his secret gift and kind gestures be the one her heart longs for in the end?

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My Thoughts

Kale Brennan is a hard-working (often worn out) single mom. She’s stuck in a rut of guilt and shame. Aren’t we mommies all guilty of taking the weight of the world onto our shoulders every now and then? I know I am! Kale’s feelings of ordinary and not good enough are familiar to many of us, not just mommies. Her whole world revolves around providing for and caring for her precious daughter.

A surprise anonymous gift left on her doorstep shakes Kale from her nose to the grindstone existence and reawakens her dreams for happily ever after. As she tries to identify the mystery giver, two different bachelors seem to fit the role of an admirer. Kale is torn between her attraction to the handsome newcomer and the steady, dependable companionship of her dear friend.

Ordinary Snowflakes is a delightful story that challenges readers to look at their everyday with a new perspective. I highly recommend this sweet novella and eagerly anticipate reading more Jennifer Rodewald titles.

I requested the opportunity to read and review this title through Singing Librarian Books Tours. The opinions expressed are my own.


About the Author

Jennifer RodewaldJennifer Rodewald is passionate about the Word of God and the powerful vehicle of story. The draw to fiction has tugged hard on her heart since childhood, and when she began pursuing writing she set on stories that reveal the grace of God.

Jen lives and writes in a lovely speck of a town where she watches with amazement while her children grow up way too fast, gardens, and marvels at God’s mighty hand in everyday life. Four kids and her own personal superman make her home in southwestern Nebraska delightfully chaotic.

She would love to hear from you! Please visit her website or on Facebook  or email her at

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Author Interview

What inspired the idea for the novella Ordinary Snowflakes? What do you want readers to take away from reading your novella?
Honestly, after I finished writing Red Rose Bouquet, which was a heavier book, I needed a break. I prayed for something lighter, fun, and something that would remind me of the joy of writing (not that RRB wasn’t a joy, but like I said, it was heavy, and it was a hard book to write).

Ordinary Snowflakes was God’s answer to that prayer. I didn’t expect to be served a lesson in it, but God did, and I am so delighted. I hope my readers find what I found—that God sees. He loves. He smiles down on us, even though our lives may seem painfully ordinary. We are crafted and loved by an extraordinary God.

SLB Snowflakes memeWhat is your current WIP? What can you tell us about it?
Oh boy… well, I started NaNo today (it’s Nov 1 as I write this), and that WIP is tentatively called Evergreen. It is book three—and the final book—in the Grace Revealed series (Blue Columbine and Red Rose Bouquet). Foster care, marriage stress, and perfectionism all factor into that story. I’m taking a deep breath…

Also, I’m working on a YA dystopian series, which I hope to have out the first book early next year. We’ll see about God’s timing on that one. J

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Did becoming an author ever cross your mind?
Interesting question…what I wanted to be and what I thought I could do weren’t the same thing. I wanted to be a writer—didn’t think that was a “real” option, though. So, I became a teacher, which interestingly enough, I loved. I stopped teaching when my second daughter was born, so I’ve been out of the classroom for about 13 years, but I still love teaching, and interacting with kids, via Awana and Jr. High Sunday school.

SLB Snowflakes memeWhat period of history interests you the most? Why?
I’d have to say probably WWII, because I am always trying to wrap my head around how evil so quickly and effectively took over so much of our globe. It also seemed to be a point in modern history that shifted how most people viewed life.

With regards to that, though, I’d have to say the Reformation period also commands my attention—so interesting to see light battle darkness, and a reminder that our fight is not against flesh and blood.

As this is a holiday novella, what is your favorite holiday tradition?
Well, that’s an interesting one too, because right now my favorite tradition is actually for Thanksgiving, not Christmas. A few years back, my family served with a group at our church on Thanksgiving Day. We served over 150 people in our community a full-fledged Thanksgiving meal. That really redefined what Thanksgiving is for us, and now we are in charge of that annual meal.

We love it. It’s hard work, and it takes a lot of people pulling together, but being a part of our community, serving people, and understanding that Thanksgiving is an action, not a call to gluttony, has really sharpened our focus on the kind of people God has asked His disciples to be. It reminds me from that day forward, into the next year and beyond, that compassion and service are a pair of the most powerful tools Jesus left His people for His kingdom work.



Ordinary Snowflakes & $10 Amazon gift card giveaway

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Tour Schedule

November 28 ~ Bookworm Lisa | Smiling Book Reviews
November 29 ~ Christian Bookaholic Faithfully Bookish
November 30 ~ Singing Librarian Books | A Baker’s Perspective
December 1 ~ Christy’s Cozy Corners | Kindle and Me
December 2 ~ Book by Book | Katie’s Clean Book Collection
December 3 ~ Reading Is My SuperPower | Encouraging Words from the Tea Queen

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